ACCAPI NEXUS Technology for your body


Lo sport come espressione massima della performance fisica è l’ambito ideale per sperimentare le più avanzate ed efficaci prestazioni tessili e strutturali dei capi. 
I prodotti del Laboratorio Accapi nascono nello sport per offrire a tutti il supporto del benessere fisico e fisiologico. 
Il Laboratorio Accapi ricerca, progetta e crea supporti al benessere della persona e alla fisiologia del movimento per ogni sport, momento, clima ed esigenza di atleti, sportivi e di chi svolge attività fisiche intense. 
Collabora con preparatori atletici e medici sportivi per ottimizzare preparazione e risultati di atleti e campioni, applicando le proprietà delle migliori fibre naturali e sintetiche alla prestazione fisica, organica e metabolica. 
Il Laboratorio Accapi sfrutta le più sofisticate tecniche di progettazione e produzione per raggiungere uno stile tecnico preciso ed un’estetica sempre accurata e gradevole in un’ampia scelta di modelli.
Tutti i prodotti del Laboratorio Accapi sono disegnati, realizzati e confezionati integralmente in Italia, con la migliore cura e attenzione che la nostra tradizione sa esprimere: precise abilità artigianali e sartoriali italiane, perfetta conoscenza del movimento, ricerca tessile applicata alla fisiologia.
La filiera produttiva è costantemente e scrupolosamente controllata con una particolare attenzione all’impiego di materie prime, tinture e trattamenti di qualità. A salvaguardia della salute e del benessere, Accapi garantisce che i suoi prodotti non rilasciano sostanze nocive.

Sport as the expression of physical performance is the ideal context to try out the most advanced and effective textile and structural per¬formances of the garments. The Accapi Laboratory products are created in sport to offer everyone the support of physical and physiological well-being. The Accapi Laboratory researches, designs and creates supports for personal well-being and the physiology of movement for every sport, time, climate and requirements of athletes, sports enthusiasts and everyone who does intense physical activity.Accapi works with athletic trainers and sports doctors to optimize the training and results of champions, applying the properties of natural and synthetic fibres to the physical, organic and metabolic performance. The Accapi Laboratory take advantage of the most sophisticated techniques of design and production to attain a precise technical style and an appearance that is always accurate and attractive in a wide choice of models.Every single Accapi product is fully designed, produced and packaged in Italy with the best care and attention that our tradition is able to express: Italian tailoring and detailed craftsmanship, perfect knowledge of the movement, textile research applied to physiology.The chain of production is constantly and scrupulously monitored with particular attention to the choise of raw materials, dyes and quality treatment. To safeguard the health and the wellbeing, Accapi ensures that its products do not release harmful substances.


What is NEXUS:

1. The infrared emission.

2. The fiber Nexus Energy Source.

3. The cicle of winning well-being.

The infrared emission.

Sunlight includes a wide range of rays, which only in part are perceived by the human eye and most of which are not visible. Infrared rays are part of the spectrum that is not visible to the naked eye but which can be measured perfectly well with specific apparatus. All metals with orbitals that are characterized by the presence of many electrons in the peripheral strata, can emit energies with different frequencies in particular conditions of heat.


The fiber Nexus Energy Source.

Nexus Energy Source, unique, revolutionary and with a worldwide patent, is a special textile fibre which, thanks to the presence of particular metals such as platinum, titanium and aluminium incorporated in the very blend of the fibre, emits a natural and constant energy in the infrared frequency range, with wavelengths of between 4 and 14 micron, corresponding to the FIR- Far InfraRed.The emission of energy generated by Nexus fibre can excite rotations and vibrations in the molecules present in the human organism, by allowing the bonds of hydrogen to be broken more rapidly.Smaller and with increased mobility, the molecules transformed in this way speed up the intra- and extra-cellular biochemical processes: On entrance they deliver the essential nourishment and on exit the elimination of toxins, consequently improving the hydration of tissues and the cellular metabolism. Infrared rays have a therapeutic action on the human body and the main effects that are obtained when using Nexus Energy Source fibre are many: 

•    improvement in the blood circulation 

•    increased muscular oxygenation 

•    optimization of the processes of thermoregulation and thermogenesis

•    muscular relaxation

•    expulsion of toxins (e.g. lactic acid) 

•    reduction of recovery times and post-exercise pain

The research that has been carried out nationally and internationally and research still under way has shown and is increasingly showing the characteristics and properties of this fibre, recognizing its efficacy on the whole cycle of human activity both in sport and at rest. Accapi has chosen Nexus Energy Source to produce a line of underwear, socks and accessories (including “Bodyguard”, a line of orthopaedic supports registered with the Ministry of Health as medical devices), for both sport and free time and which can therefore be used all the time. The properties of this fibre can be seen both in training and in competition, during leisure time and above all in the recovery phase. 




This is the time dedicated to increasing athletic preparation and resistance.The athlete exerts an effort now, to feel it less when competing. Accapi works with him to boost his power without microtraumas, pulled muscles or overtraining. 




A download of energy that lasts seconds or hours, and often requires an incredible resistance. The objective of the athlete is to improve it. Accapi energy is with him to protect him and boost performance and resistance.




This is the moment to release toxins and fatigue, and reduce pain. The objective of the athlete is to accelerate it. Accapi is with him to reduce lactic acid and post-exercise problems.




Free Time

Moments that dissolve tension, when relaxation is enjoyed.The athlete knows that now he is not spending energy. Accapi is with him, with intimately active relaxation that is already giving him new energy.





The organism restores balances and regains energy.The athlete sleeps and knows that it is better to sleep well. Accapi envelops him for deeper sleep, which returns oxygen to his tissues.




The Accapi Nexus garments, by reducing the times of recovery and improving the phases of rest and sleep, allow more intense and more frequent training, allowing increased athletic performance both in sports of strength and of resistance. The thermoregulating action of Nexus fibre makes these garments suitable for both warm and cold climates as the body’s temperature is optimized and sweat, better absorbed, evaporates more quickly. They also help to reduce recovery times, including in situations of minor muscular and tendon pathologies, in inflammations of the joints, in reabsorption of oedemas and they reduce the risk of cramps. All this makes Accapi Nexus an invaluable ally for all athletes and for everyone who places great importance on their well-being.

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